Aug 4, 2010


(Our first picture as homeowners)

I never really thought about who we might have for neighbors when we were house hunting. I was 6 months pregnant, it was hot, Jake and I were living 3 hours apart and there were not many homes on the market. We were just ready to find a good starter home and buy it.

We eventually found a little (somewhat dated) starter home, and moved in over Labor Day weekend. Before we had even moved in we were welcomed by some of our neighbors. I am not sure if I really appreciated how much their friendship would mean to me at that time, but I do now. Over the past two years we have been lucky to have "extra family" surrounding us. They have watched Ben, taken care of things when we're out of town, visited and listened, shared baked treats and garden veggies, provided sewing and quilting tips, given us extra plants and even spent a day taking Ben and me shopping. They are great!

I had to write about this because I was reminded of how blessed we are this evening when Ben and I were walking home from "Shirley's House". We had just dropped by to see if she needed any cucumbers, but stayed for an hour and looked at her current quilt project, played with toy trucks and turned the ceiling fan on-and-off with the remote - Ben thinks that is so amazing.

It's so nice to really know who is living in the house across the street.

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