My heart melted!
Unruh Photography is amazing and does an awesome job of capturing the moment.
Now back to pumpkins...
Today we went with a friend to Harvest Farm & Pumpkin Patch.
It was a great time!
We also made some new friends while we were there.
There were lots of things to do. In fact, we were so busy doing things that I only grabbed some shots of us leaving.
That's Ben in the loaded wagon, heading to the car with our finds.
Then we went to lunch at Carolyn's Essenhaus.
I can't believe we haven't gone there before. It was wonderful!
Yes, that's Ben - eating an individual butter from the bowl of them on our table.
Now our home is looking a little more like fall...
The gourds on the fireplace are some of my favorite things. I bought them a few years ago. They are dried, stained and sealed, so I can use them every year. :)
I like the way the little pumpkins and gourds look in the bowl.
Jake's folks are updating their kitchen and his Mom has been busy sorting things - and passing some on to new homes.
So I brought home a few items (three bowls) last weekend. They are all being put to good use. :)
I hope to do a few more fall decorating projects - like switching out my variegated spider plant for a mum, and throwing out my pink begonias - but I think we're off to a good start.
Happy Friday!
Enjoy the fall weekend.
i LOVE the pictures and the fall decor :)