Way too much time has gone between postings! My goodness - I just don't know where the time goes. I am still working hard on my sewing projects and starting my shop, but I haven't been quite as productive lately. I think I can say this is mostly due to the fact I haven't been feeling well, and this is because we are happy to announce we are expecting. We are extremely excited and look forward to becoming a family of four in the fall!
It's also funny that I was pregnant just two years ago with our first, but I have forgotten just how tired and sick I could feel. Just trying to remember it's only temporary and stick with my goals for my little shop. I know it will happen - and soon.
I also wanted to try my hand at posting photos so I thought I'd start with a project from last fall - Halloween costume for Ben. It was really fun and easy, and I was happy with the results. Here is SUPER BEN... (or Super Baby)