Jul 28, 2012

happy 30th birthday little brother

today is my little brother's birthday -
his 30th!

 me and paul - 1987 vacation in denver, co

we fought all the time when we were kids, but have grown super close as we've gotten older,
and i am so thankful for our friendship.
he may not know it, but i think a lot of him.
even as a little kid he was always true to himself and never one to follow the crowd.
he wasn't worried about being popular or having the most friends,
and honestly as a big sister i can remember being concerned about the way he was styling his hair
or what he was wearing. 
(and obviously i was not as cool as i thought!)
but you know, he was the one who had it right.
he's worked super hard to become the man he is today,
and i am one proud sister.
i may still be a bit bossy or opinionated at times,
but that's just because i'm older and i know best.  ;)

happy birthday paul!
we're sending you lots of love from kansas


  1. Thank you very much Kristin. Very happy to have you and your family in my life and supporting me. I love hearing your opinions and am very proud of how we both have turned out.

    Also, very glad that I grew out of the 'racing stripes' and 'lightning bolt' hair cuts. Our parents had a ton of patience.


    P.S. I think our clothes from the pic are mostly back 'in style' now, minus the head-dress :)

  2. Sounds like you have a really sweet brother. I wish you lived closer to each other.xoxox


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